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Apollon Bust Medium Apollon Bust Small Mickey’s Affairs Gotham’s Romance In Plexi Affection Fish Large Fish Small Seahorse Medium Seahorse Small Need A Hand Small Crossing Point Monopoly Mykonos Rubick’s Pelecan Love Triangle Silver Mickey’s Hands Rubick’s Heart Three Graces Dialogue Eternal Leap Small Eternal Leap Medium Horse Of Troy Large It Takes Two Offering Peace Freedom Friendship Olympic Flame Rise and Shine Large Rise and Shine Small The Kiss Small Dancing In The Sun Large Dancing In The Sun Small Horse Of Troy Small Swimmers Friends M2W M2 Dancing In The Wind Smurf in Love Regular Freedom II Maria Callas (Various Plexi) Barrel Pelecan 3D Printing Yolo Plexi Moët Plexi Ritchie Rich Spray Can Batman Spray Can Monopoly Spray Can Betty Boo Spray Can Enough Bulldog Large Date Bulldog Regular Teddy Regular Mr Mouse Regular Love Me Small Love Me Regular Love Me P Small Love Me P Large Love Infinity Duck Regular Duck Small Airplane Mr Cooper Lambretta F1 Freedom III Mrs Mouse Regular Smurf in Love Medium Teddy In Love Teddy Medium Mrs Mouse Medium Mr Mouse Medium Bite G3W G2 G1 Discobole Kouros Venus Bust Medium Artemis Bust Large Hermes Body Hermes Bust Large Hemes Bust Medium Hermes Bust Small Artemis Bust Small Artemis Bust Medium Nike Samothrace Daphne and Apollon Venus Bust Small Hercules DJ C’ est La Vie Cactus Alter Ego Duckies 823 Alter Ego Bowie 131 Alter Ego Oscar CD Alter Ego Oscar Burberry Alter Ego Oscar Rolex Alter Ego Oscar Don Perignon Alter Ego Oscar LV Alter Ego Costance Chanel Alter Ego Token Ditale Alter Ego Token Express Red Alter Ego Token Nave Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Ninemia The Island Bondage Bronze “Buy Art – Not Intended for Protection” Toy Donut – Yellow Toy Donut – Red F1 Le Salut du Val M2WG The Diver Flowity Runners 24cm Nike 108cm Runners 62cm Prelude Evolution City Life Icarus Venus Body Medium Kouros Completion Splash Untitled 2 Flames/Dreamers Elevation Looking in the Future Dreamer Idol Reflections of the King and the Queen on the water Happy Minotaur Going bananas Venus Transparent (M. 52cm) Joy Guardian Angel City Person Woman with an Attitude Why Me (medium) Watching the Sunrise Torsos (front & rear) Audience Reaching the Sun Message from the Heart Greeting the Day Gravity Eternal Leap Large Crisis / Fear Artemis Acrobat / Chairman The Kiss Large The 6 runners in 3 colors (large) Single Rower’s Boat Need A Hand Medium Maternity Spirit of a flower Colored People aluminum (medium) Atlas Small
